ബഹു.മുഖ്യമന്ത്രിയുടെ ദുരിതാശ്വാസ നിധിയിലേക്കുള്ള സംഭാവന

Annual General Body meeting on 27 Sep 24




Provisioning of Security Services &Skilled / Unskilled Manpower

 The Corporation provides “Ex-servicemen Security Services” and “skilled/unskilled Ex-servicemen” to all the indenting establishments as per their requirement. Besides, number of ESM with qualifications and experience in various technical and medical fields like Electric, Electronic, Mechanical & Automobile Maintenance, Pharmacy and Medical Nursing, gained during their military service are also registered/available with the Corporation for employment in their own segments. Government of India, Ministry of Heavy Industries and Public Enterprises, Department of Public Enterprises vide their office Memorandum No. 6/22/93-DPE (SC/ST Cell) dated 04 October, 2005 has instructed all Central Government Public Sector Undertakings/ Enterprises (CPSU/CPSEs) that the State Ex-servicemen Corporation be allowed to apply for security related duties directly without the sponsorship of DGR. Government of Kerala vide their Order No. GO (MS)179/05/GAD dated 04 June 2005 and Circular Nos 134/05/GAD dated 12th December 2005, 71307/12/GAD dated 1st October 2012 and SW1/126/2019 (SWD) dated 4th November 2019 have also instructed its departments, PSUs, local bodies and other quasi-government organizations to deploy contract staff only through this Corporation without inviting tender/quotation. 

 The wages are fixed either as per Kerala State rate or DGR rate published from time to time, at the discretion of the Principal Employer. Government of Kerala vide their Gazette (Extra Ordinary) notification No 513 (Volume IV) dated 10th March 2015, has exempted all the Ex-servicemen employed by this Corporation from ESI subscription. Other statutory charges like service charge, GST, Principal Employer’s share of PF contribution as applicable etc will also be paid by the Principal Employer. Detailed proposal along with requisite documents are forwarded to all the establishments as and when asked for and negotiation / meetings are arranged where required. Deployment of ex-servicemen or their dependents are made as per the requirement of Principal Employer after necessary documentation including execution of agreement. Immediately on deployment, this Corporation processes the application for labour licence with Central or State Labour Commission offices as applicable and the licence is obtained in the case of those establishments where more than 19 Ex-servicemen are deployed by the Corporation. In accordance with the Government of Kerala notifications mentioned above, the Corporation is already providing skilled/ unskilled manpower and guarding services to various organizations / establishments. List of our such elite clients is available in the website.

House of Skills – Electrical Maintenance Project

A large number of ESM, who have acquired technical skills and hold certificates of Diploma /Graduation earned during the military service, are awaiting employment for their livelihood. Perceiving that there is a demand for these kinds of manpower, the Corporation dawned upon ‘House of Skills– Electrical Maintenance Project’ with the aim of undertaking electrical maintenance works existing in various Public Sector Undertakings, Government Sector etc. Accordingly, the following works were undertaken and completed successfully at different buildings under Sree Padmananabha Swamy Temple (SPST) conjointly with its other project of ‘installation and commissioning of 18.2 KWP Solar On-Grid System Power Plant’ at Panjajanyam Kalyanamandapam, SPST:

  • Removing of Existing Old Roof and Setting New Roof at Panjajanyam Kalyanamandapam, SPST
  • Standardization of Electrical Installations at Panjajanyam Kalyanamandapam, SPST
  • Supply & Installation of Inverter System at Ulsavam Building North Nada, SPST
  • Supply & Installation of online UPS & Battery at Ulsavam Building, SPST

Operation of Pay &Parking: Kexcon Pay & Park Project

            The Corporation (KEXCON) participated in the tender for collection of fees and managing the ‘Thampanoor Pay & Park’, which comes under the jurisdiction of Corporation of Thiruvananthapuram. It was awarded to this Corporation (KEXCON) for a period of one year from 1st April 2019.  The parking area is located in the heart of Thiruvananthapuram city close to the Central Railway Station and Bus Station. The Corporation took the project as a challenge since it was treading into a new segment of activity. KEXCON took over the assignment and named it ‘Kexcon Pay & Park Project’. It was manned by ESM and functional round the clock. All efforts were made to make it user-friendly, especially ladies and children. It remained operational even during adverse climatic conditions and under lockdown due to outbreak of Covid-19.



House of Skills - Solar Energy Project

The need to explore alternate sources of energy has gained much importance since Kerala State faces acute-power shortage.  The use of solar energy has been identified as an alternative source and its usage has been developed in Kerala through a state government agency known as ‘Agency for Non-Conventional Energy and Rural Technology (ANERT)’. Considering the scope of installation and maintenance of solar panels and its tremendous commercial opportunities in the open market, KEXCON concluded that the skilled Ex-servicemen trained in electrical and electronics field, who are registered with the Corporation will be able to execute the task effectively. Hence the Corporation conceived a programme named ‘House of Skills - Solar Energy Project’.  Accordingly, the Corporation set up 3 Solar Teams, each consisting of one Solar Power Plant Inspector and five Solar Power Panel Installers, who underwent ‘Training and Accreditation Programme’ conducted by the Centre for Management Development (CMD) for execution of the project. The ‘House of Skills - Solar Energy Project’ clubbed with“Uniform and Garment Manufacturing Project” was inaugurated by Shri EP Jayarajan, the Hon’ble Minister for Industries & Youth Affairs while releasing the newly updated brochure of Kexcon at a grand function held at Thiruvananthapuram on 27 February 2019. As the inaugural venture, the Corporation successfully implemented a project of ‘installation of solar panels on the roof of Panchajanyam Kalyanamandapam of Sree Padmananbha Swamy Temple’ with a capacity to generate 18.20 KWP solar energy. In order to diversify further into envisaged segments of Kexcon House of Skills’ projects, the Corporation applied to the Government for ‘accreditation’. The Government, after evaluation of the dedicated performance rendered by the Corporation during the last 10 years and placement at the top position among welfare Corporations as per the Economic Review conducted by the Planning Department for last two years, awarded ‘accreditation’ in January 2020.It enables the Corporation to undertake solar panel installation works valued upto Rs.5 Crores in a year.


House of Skills - Solar Energy Project Phase – I (Financial Year 2019-20): The Corporation submitted the project proposal to the Government for the Financial Year 2019-20. After discussions with the State Planning Board the project was forwarded to the Government. The “House of skills – Solar Energy Project (Phase I)” received an allotment of Rs. 10 Lakhs in July 2019 and another 10 Lakhs in February 2020 from the plan funds during the financial year 2019-20 for implementation of the project. During the six months of the financial year, the Corporation undertook and successfully executed the following Solar on Grid Installation works.


  • Installation and commissioning of 18.2 KWp On-Grid Solar system on the roof of Panchajanyam Kalyanamandapam of Sree Padmananbha Swamy Temple


  • Installation and commissioning of 5 KWp On- Grid Solar system on the roof of Ksheerolpadhana Co-operative Society, Chittillapilly


House of Skills- Solar Energy Project Phase – II (Financial Year 2020-21): The implementation of House of Skills Project Phase I successfully instilled confidence and imparted  momentum to the Corporation to spread its activities to further segments and thereby augment the rehabilitation of ESM usefully for the organization as well as for the society at large, simultaneously creating a brand value for KEXCON. The “House of Skills-Solar Energy Project Phase II” propose to involve more dedicated teams for installing and maintaining solar energy systems for any needy client. These teams will comprise of appropriately skilled and experienced Ex-servicemen who will provide quality support service to the clients and earn handsome financial returns for themselves. The Phase II of the project was prepared and processed through Sainik Welfare Directorate for discussion with the State Planning Board wherein it was proposed to share the Project cost between Kexcon and the Government Plan Fund for the year 2020-21 in certain proportion.


Uniform & Garments Manufacturing Project

In order to provide opportunities for employment as well as income generation to the skilled and unskilled ESM, and their female dependents, who are unable to find a job in the open market, the Corporation introduced “Uniform & Garments Manufacturing Project” in year 2019 as a small-scale production enterprise. It is a women-oriented project where the Corporation expects to accommodate 150 or more women including widows of Ex-servicemen, who have no other alternative source of income for their livelihood, by setting up of small tailoring units in various districts of the State over a period of time. The project was inaugurated at a grand function held at Thiruvananthapuram by Shri EP Jayarajan, the Hon’ble Minister for Industries & Youth Affairs on 27 February 2019. Accordingly, during the year 2019-20, two units were set up in Trivandrum District and one unit in Kannur (Thalassery) District, with five women dependents of ESM in each unit who got the opportunity to work in Phase – I of the project. It is proposed to set up three more units, employing five women in each unit in the current financial year. The Uniform and Garments Manufacturing project envisages implementation in three phases as given below.



Estimated Target

Target Market


Production and distribution of 2500 Khaki Uniforms

Ex-servicemen Security staff of KEXCON deployed with State Government/ PSUs/Local Bodies throughout Kerala.


Production of 3000 uniforms (Girls Students – 1000, NCC Cadets– 500, SPC -1000, Home Guards – 500)

National Cadet Corps (NCC) cadets, Student Police Cadets (SPC) and school students (Girls) uniforms to limited schools in Kerala.


Elegant garments for women and children; about 5000 set per year

Local markets by sales promotion and by setting up stalls at exhibitions/tourist centers.

Uniform & Garments Manufacturing Project Phase – I (Financial Year 2019-20):
The project proposal for Phase I was submitted for the financial year 2019-20 in which project cost was suggested to be shared between Kexcon and the Government proportionately. The Government of Kerala allocated Rs 20 Lakhs for Uniform and Garment Manufacturing Project Phase-I in the budget for the financial year 2019-20.  Of this, Rs 16 Lakhs were received and the project was implemented successfully achieving the laid down target for the year.  The project is equipped with modern Jukki sewing machines, Button Holing and Button Hole works machines in its units. The project was able to produce 2042 khaki uniforms for security guards and 40 uniforms for NCC students.

Uniform & Garments Manufacturing Project Phase– II (Financial Year 2020-21): Confidence gained from the successful operation of ‘Uniform and Garments Manufacturing Project Phase I’ during the year 2019-20, provided the impetus to the Corporation to move ahead to Phase II of the project. The proposal for “Uniform & Garments Manufacturing Project Phase II” envisages the setting up of three more project units to provide quality and elegant uniforms to Student Police Cadets, NCC Cadets and school students (girls) while aiming at income generation by those engaged in the work. The proposed units of the project (two in Thiruvananthapuram and one in Alappuzha Districts) will employ five women in each unit with a target production of 3750 uniforms per year. The project proposal was processed through the Sainik Welfare Directorate for inclusion in the Plan Funds for the year 2020-21. During the presentation of the project proposal before the State Planning Board in October 2019, the cost was proposed to be shared between Kexcon and Government. The project was then forwarded to the Government for Plan Funds allocation.

Neethi Medicals Projects

During the preparation of House of Skills Project, it was found that there are number of Ex-servicemen (ESM) with specialized training certificates and experience in pharmacy and medical nursing acquired during their military service, registered with KEXCON for suitable employment. The private medical stores often exploit patients by selling medicines at exorbitant prices and also duplicate medicines under the guise of branded names, such as “Karunya”, “Neethi”, “Nanma”, “Aswas” etc. Though the Ex-servicemen are members of a healthcare programme known as the Ex-servicemen Contributory Health Services (ECHS), the programme at present is suffering from acute shortage of supply of medicines due to paucity of funds. Hence the ESM are compelled to procure the non-available medicines from local medical outlets. As such, there is a demand for medicines by the Ex-servicemen too besides the general public in the open market. In order to tap this demand for medicines, this Corporation conceptualized a project known as “KEXCON Neethi Medicals” to be implemented during the financial year 2020-21 with some guidance from State Consumer Fed. Two outlets (one each in Thiruvananthapuram and Kozhikode districts) are intended to be opened in the vicinity of General Hospitals/Medical Colleges etc where medicines are likely to be in demand. The objectives of the project will be to engage qualified ESM and their dependents while ensuring provision of quality/branded medicines to customers at discounted prices. It will be possible to provide medicines to the customers at prices less than 18% to 40% of the MRP under this project, enabled by wholesale procurement of medicines from centralized wholesale outlets/Neethi Warehouse and by direct purchase from Medical Service Corporation set up by Health Department, Government of Kerala. The margins expected from the sale of medicine will be utilized to offer incentives to customer ESM, serving military personnel and their dependents. Additional incentives are also intended for patients suffering from serious ailments such as cancer, kidney, cardiac problems etc on humanitarian considerations.

The estimated project cost is also proposed to be shared between KEXCON and the Government Plan Funds proportionately. The project proposal was processed through Sainik Welfare Directorate, discussed with the State Planning Board and submitted onward to the Government for approval and allotment of funds for the year 2020-21.