ബഹു.മുഖ്യമന്ത്രിയുടെ ദുരിതാശ്വാസ നിധിയിലേക്കുള്ള സംഭാവന

Annual General Body meeting on 27 Sep 24


Registration & Placement


All Ex-servicemen and their dependents, who belong to the State of Kerala and desire employment through the Corporation, have to register their candidature with the Corporation. No registration fee is levied by the Corporation. Copies of identity card issued by respective Zila Sainik Board, Discharge Book, Pension Pay Order (PPO) original, Adhaar Card, PAN Card, Testimonial optional etc are the documents required for registration with the Corporation. 

Application form for registration can be submitted either online on the organizational website or collected in person from the Registration Section of the Corporation. Eligibility of the candidate will always be scrutinized from the relevant documents prior to commencing the registration formalities. Registration Number will be allotted immediately to those personnel, who submit the application in person at the Registration Section of the Corporation.  Ex-servicemen and their dependents, who register their names online, will have to upload all relevant documents online after filling up the registration form. A temporary registration number will be allotted by the system automatically. The temporary registration number is required to be validated by the Corporation. Therefore, hardcopies of the online registration form and attached documents should be sent to the Corporation by post. The registration will be confirmed by the Registration Section within a fortnight of receipt of the documents by post after scrutiny of the documents.

It will be communicated to the applicant through their registered e-mail / SMS text message. Ex-servicemen and their dependents should invariably quote their registration number in all correspondence on the subject, addressed to the Corporation. Ex-servicemen and their dependents, who hold valid registration number, can only apply for employment as and when the Corporation invites applications through leading News Papers. Registration of candidature with the Corporation cannot be assumed as a right for job placement of the ESM or their dependents unless they are enlisted in the Seniority /Rank List prepared District-wise every year by the Corporation. Seniority/Rank List of job aspirants is prepared strictly based on the Registration number seniority of applicants. 

Annual seniority(rank) list is prepared district-wise and published on 1st January every year based on the applications received in response to the advertisements published by the Corporation through leading News Papers or any other media, preferably between September – November every year. Click the link 'Facility Management->Employee Portal' to apply. As and when vacancy arises, Ex-servicemen/dependents as per their turn in the annual seniority (rank) list are intimated by telephone, text message, e-mail etc to report to the Corporation office with requisite documents (i.e. ESM Identity Card, Discharge Book, Adhaar Card, Bank Pass Book (SBI only), Photograph passport size -1 & stamp size -2) for screening. Then screening of Ex-servicemen /dependents is done for various jobs based on qualitative requirements set-forth by the Principal Employer. Candidates selected for placement after screening will undergo necessary documentation including execution of agreement between the Corporation and candidate. As far as possible, the placement orders are issued on the same day of screening and documentation.  Identity card will be issued to the Ex-servicemen/dependents on finalization of their placement. The placement is either on daily wages or contract basis based on the agreement executed between the Corporation and Principal Employer. Any short-coming in work/ performance as assessed by the Principal Employer or his authorized supervisory staff will render the employee liable for punitive action like termination of his contract without assigning any reasons after deducting any dues or compensation there-in etc from the pending wages. The contract with the employee as well as his registration will cease automatically in case of his involvement in grave disciplinary/legal cases. Therefore, the ESM/dependents should abide with the conditions laid down in the agreement executed by him/her with the Corporation at the time of accepting the job offer. Decision necessitated against such disciplinary cases once taken by the board of directors will be final and will not be revoked under any circumstances.